Thursday, September 3, 2020

Correct Weaknesses in Freeze-Times system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Right Weaknesses in Freeze-Times framework - Essay Example This heightens the capability of robbery and camouflage. Besides, getting exchanges ought not be created without really accepting products went with legitimate proof of conveyance. This is on the grounds that merchandise may not be accounted for or revealed incorrectly that may prompt misquoted stock. What's more, the requesting division ought to be free from the bookkeeping and working offices that procedure information the obligations regarding demanding, buying, getting ought to be plainly separated from those of receipt handling, creditor liabilities and so forth. This is on the grounds that a worker can arrange stock from a phony provider and send installment to post office box leased by him. Subsequently, Rosa and Benita should take isolate obligations and select explicit people for each errand. Additionally, occasional physical stock tally of product ought to be directed to decide whether it compares with the sum recorded in the books. In addition to the fact that Rosa should check accepting reports before making installments, however she should likewise cross-check it against cost expressed on seller solicitations. 1. The administration chooses exercises/exchanges that require administrative or other endorsement to be performed. Ordinarily just uses past capital expansion levels require the executives endorsement. 2. Isolation of obligations of stock buyer and hardware buyer is basic to ensure gear with the goal that nobody individual controls everything. Furthermore, this will frequently prompt mistakes in the fiscal reports by mistaking buying stock for hardware and the other way around; henceforth, misquoted budget summaries. Law requires representatives are to fill proper structures with respect to receipt and obligation over of gear. Thusly, a particular individual ought to approve hardware buys, effectively record new buys and record changes in gear so as to be considered responsible. 4. Resigned and

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Get Essay on Sale From Corporate Work

Get Essay on Sale From Corporate WorkAre you looking for the right resources to help you get an essay on sale or else? You will be surprised to know that there are plenty of useful books that will help you in this regard.Essay on sale is a technique wherein a student or a professional is hired to write an essay on sale for a firm, which is looking for more people to write essays. This works as a marketing strategy that makes a person realize that a person can get any article written for free. In the first place, the company that is employing the writer or essayist need not pay them for their work.After some time has passed, the company will appreciate the effort that the writer or essayist has made in getting the work done. The writer then becomes an employee of the company and there is no contract. There is no permanent contract between the writer and the company either.Essay on sale is not a new technique. Some companies have been using it since a long time. A lot of research has b een conducted in this field and the firms that hired the writers and essayists seem to be able to get a good result. They have earned lots of customers and a good working relationship with the customers who are willing to avail of the offer of writing an essay on sale.The writer or essayist has to submit his work to the firm through his personal computer or his email. If the essay on sale is worthwhile, the company needs to see the sample and choose the one they want to hire. The contract should be signed by the writer and the company that hired him. The writer or essayist has to give some details in writing regarding the way he wants to sell the essay on sale.The writing company has to accept the offer to be able to sell the essay on sale. The firm would look for someone with a good writing skill and a good writing style and in short, someone who can write a good article on that topic. The amount of money will depend on the topic chosen.The process will take time before the right e ssay on sale is picked. The amount of money that will be paid depends on the type of essay on sale, the number of articles, and the quality of writing. Some people just get lucky but the hard work does pay off.Essay on sale is a very popular marketing technique that has become very successful in recent times. Now, if you are thinking of being employed in the same way, you can easily get one by going online.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Proposal of literature review of proportional hazards model Research Paper

Proposition of writing survey of corresponding perils model - Research Paper Example Most endurance demonstrating inspects the connection among endurance and one or a few indicators. The endurance library in R and S-PLUS likewise holds the entirety of the other usually utilized apparatuses of endurance examination. The following is a short depiction of the relative perils (Schoenfeld 499). Let z = {x, y †¦} be a vector of 1 or a few informative factors expected to influence lifetime. These factors might be perpetual, for instance, temperature in building studies, or dose level of a given medication in clinical tests or even better, they might be pointer factors with the worth 1 when a given factor or condition is available (Schoenfeld 500). Let the risk rate for an ostensible set z 0 = (x 0, y0†¦) of the factors be set by h 0 (t), with h0 (t) showing authentic peril work for undefined life dispersion model. In such manner, the relative perils model guesses that we can take note of the adjusted risk work for another estimation of z as: Given a log-direct model presumption for g (z), and with no extra speculations concerning the existence conveyance model, it will be conceivable to break down investigational information and make sense of most extreme probability gauges. Furthermore, it is conceivable to utilize probability proportion tests to choose which illustrative factors will are very critical. In this examination, a progression of preliminaries on treatment of malignant growth will be led. The examination will look to evaluate the significance of chemotherapy and radiation treatment over radiation treatment alone. The accompanying information from the investigation gathering will be utilized to explain the impact of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. A sum of 80 patients will be treated with radiation treatment alone in the first round, while similar patients will be treated with chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Prognostic components will be age and whether patients will have rot in their careful

Monday, May 18, 2020

Gender Roles in Romeo Juliet - 2341 Words

The tragedy Romeo and Juliet has been criticized by many critics throughout the years. Most critics tend to agree that Shakespearean literature has strong gender roles. This means that the men will carry themselves with honor and pride. A typical man for the time period in which Shakespeare set his play was the head of the household; anything the man or also known as the head of the family wanted would be put into motion almost as soon as he finished saying the words. The strong males in the tragedy Romeo and Juliet are Juliet’s father Lord Capulet, Romeo, Mercutio, and Prince Escalus. A woman’s typical role of that time period was subservient, always holding her words when it came to decision making. Most women of the time were busy†¦show more content†¦Here in Verona, ladies of esteem /Are made already mothers. /By my count I was your mother much upon these years ( Act 1, scene 3, lines 71-73). Sir Capulet, Juliet’s father, does a great job of portraying himself as the stereotypical domineering male figure in the play. He does a good job of holding his ground throughout the entire play. There is no scene when his opinion is not considered. Throughout most of the play, he refuses to listen to anyone’s comments having to do with anything - from his daughter’s feeling on marrying Paris to who should be allowed at the masquerade ball. Juliet’s father also forcefully intends to set up the marriage between his daughter Juliet and Paris, the Count and relative to the Prince of Verona. In Act III, scene 3, he tells Paris, â€Å" I will make I will make a desperate tender Of my child’s love . I think she will be ruled In all respects by me.—Nay, more I doubt it not— Lady Capulet, go to her ere you go to bed. Acquaint her here of my son Paris’ love, And bid her, mark you me† (lines 12-17). The way he has stated this to Paris and his wife, Lady Capulet, shows that he is a chauvinist and he doesn’t care what anyone has to say about how they may feel about the situation. This counters the argument that Shakespeare did have definitive gender roles because Sir Capulet’s behavior clearly shows that. With the exception of Romeo, all the main male characters in Romeo and Juliet do have definitiveShow MoreRelatedRomeo and Juliet Gender Roles1251 Words   |  6 PagesGender Roles in Romeo and Juliet In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Juliet resorts to conniving and shrewd ways in order to control her destiny and free herself from her confined existence. Contrary to the critics who view Juliet as innocent, childish and immature, Juliet’s habits of manipulating people–particularly the men in her life, expressly Romeo–through simulating maleness implies a parallel between the approaches falconers (mostly males) use to train their falcons (mostly females)Read MoreRomeo And Juliet Gender Roles Essay730 Words   |  3 Pages the view regarding gender roles was nothing like today’s perspective. Boys were raised to become men: violent, dominant, confident, and decisive beings. Girls were raised to become ladylike figures: subservient, obedient, diffident, and emotional individuals. Conveyed in the tragic play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, 14th century gender roles shape and impact the female protagonist, Juliet Capulet. Furtherm ore, the play reveals the development and growth of Juliet, despite her challengesRead MoreRomeo And Juliet Gender Roles1489 Words   |  6 Pagesthe primary male roles. Few female character were able to gain control over their own lives, by defying traditional values, allowing them to create their own identity. In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare explored the social boundaries of an ancient society in Verona through Juliet, as she gains power and control over her own life by opposing her parents’ traditional ideals. Due to the ancient grudge between the Capulets and the Montagues, Juliet’s relationship with Romeo is not sociallyRead More Gender Roles in Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare Essay857 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, there is an overlaying presence of the typical roles that men and women were supposed to play. During Elizabethan times there was a major difference between the way men and women wer e supposed to act. Men typically were supposed to be masculine and powerful, and defend the honor. Women, on the other hand, were supposed to be subservient to their men in their lives and do as ever they wished. In Romeo and Juliet the typical gender roles that men andRead MoreGender Roles Throughout History : The Odyssey, Romeo And Juliet1515 Words   |  7 Pages TITLE: STUDENT: GRADE: YEAR: SUBJECTS: First Tesina Draft: Gender Roles throughout History Have you ever been told you couldn’t do something because of who you were? Have you ever felt inferior to someone else for something that was out of your control? Women have always rebelled against their traditional role in society. An illustration of this is how women have succeeded in a male dominated field such as science. We today have evolved greatly socially from the periods of ancientRead MoreGender Roles Of Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare1259 Words   |  6 PagesGender Roles in Romance Comics Author and civil rights activist Maya Angelou once said, â€Å"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!†. When one thinks of comic books, it is very likely that the subjects that come to mind are Marvel’s Spiderman or DC’s Batman. Although comic books are stereotypically thought to be mainly about super heroes, there are a wide variety of subject matter they could be written about, such as romance. In the 1950s – 1960s, it was commonRead MoreEssay on Significance of Gender in Romeo and Juliet1329 Words   |  6 PagesSignificance of Gender in Romeo and Juliet In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the Montagues and the Capulets have very different relationships with their children. A major reason for this, as well as much of the conflict in the tale, comes from the gender roles that Romeo and Juliet are expected to play into. Adding to that conflict is the fact that both Romeo and Juliet push the boundaries of these roles and struggle to fit into them. Romeo plays the over emotional lover, while Juliet is clever andRead MoreEssay on Fate in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet1096 Words   |  5 PagesFate in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet When William Shakespeare wrote ‘Romeo Juliet’ he told a tale of â€Å"A pair of star crossed lovers†. The role of fate plays an important role in the play. The themes of conflict, love, revenge, religion destiny all tie in with the role of fate. Romeo Juliet were both born into and â€Å"ancient grudge† fuelled by two formidable families, the Capulets and Montagues. Fate plays a very important role in the play, and at the endRead MoreRomeo and Juliet826 Words   |  4 PagesRomeo and Juliet was Shakespeare’s most famous play which is about love of two teenagers of two rival families. Since Romeo’s family and Juliet’s family are rivals, their families don’t agree with the marriage of their children to each other. However, Romeo and Juliet despite the opposition of their families secretly get married at church and insist on reaching their goal of being together. The whole story is played in the theatre style of the Renaissance; audiences could see violence, young boysRead MoreGender In Romeo, Juliet And William Shakespeares Romeo And Juliet1500 Words   |  6 PagesCompare and contrast the presentation of gender in two films we have looked at on the course The concept of gender is evolutionary and difficult to define, though it can be argued that traditionally females have been predominantly defined by their desirability, and males by their masculinity. The way a director presents gender in film can either inspire social change and conversation, or alternatively it can further reproduce social norms. In the case of the film’s discussed in this essay, it is

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Sea And The Old Man - 1176 Words

Jason Chadwick Mr. Spence Freshman Honors English October 31, 2014 The Sea and the Old Man An old man, alone in the ocean with no other humans in sight, struggles to pull an eighteen-foot marlin close enough to his boat to strike the killing blow. He is tired, and almost at the end of his strength. He thinks to himself, I will try one more time. In The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway, protagonist Santiago finds himself in an ongoing struggle for dominance. He must persevere through pain and adversity in order to catch a giant marlin, and then make his way back home afterwards. In the beginning of the book, Hemingway paints a picture of what the â€Å"code† hero, or ideal character, would be. Santiago is definitely one of these code heroes. Throughout the book, he shows incredible perseverance through difficult situations, he recognizes his flaws and accepts them, and he faces death, of both his goal and himself, without fear or concern. Santiago’s perseverance is a clear sign that he is one of Hemingway’s code heroes. In both his everyday life and his fight with the marlin, Santiago does not give up and endures whatever pain may come. At the beginning of the book, Manolin reminds Santiago of how they â€Å"went eighty-seven days without fish and then †¦caught big ones every day for three weeks’† (10). Santiago has had to go through hard times, â€Å"eighty-seven days without fish,† but he still perseveres through the hardships and in the end comes back from the hard times. EvenShow MoreRelatedThe Old Man And The Sea1154 Words   |  5 PagesThe sea in a way is like a living being. The way it rhythmically carries itself, showing all of its majestic beauty. The sea has such power, each wave coordinately smashing against whatever stands in its way. Sea erosion, most commonly known as coastal erosion, is the slow process of wave action constantly shaping and reshaping the coastli nes of our world. In The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway portrays nature as a continuum-an endless progression of the invention and destruction which is ultimatelyRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1561 Words   |  7 Pages The Old Man and The Sea is more than a book about a fish and an old man, it teaches us strength and never giving up on ourselves. The Old Man and The Sea is written by Ernest Hemingway about Santiago, The Old Man. Hemingway is a writer known for his iceberg themes in his novels, where ten percent of its message is what you read and the ninety percent is hidden. That ninety percent is up to interpretation. My interpretation is Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea he expressesRead MoreThe Old Man and the Sea900 Words   |  4 PagesThe Old Man and the Sea is a short, but rich novel about an old fisherman who, after eighty-four unsuccessful days in a row, hooks the largest fish of his life. Written by Ernest Hemingway in 195 1, and published in 1952, the novel was the last of Hemingway’s novels to be published during his lifetime. The book was praised by critics, and became an immediate success. The story was also awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and was a factor in Hemingway winning a Nobel Prize. The story was publishedRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea Essay1718 Words   |  7 Pagesearly to mid 20th century. Known mainly for his success in writing the critically acclaimed novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway had many symbolic meanings instituted throughout this novel and many other works. Many having the theme of a hero confronting a natural force, as seen when Santiago confronts the mighty sea. Along with the heroic themes, Hemingway had become a religious Catholic man growing up and decided to include many religious references and biblical allusions. Since the beginningRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1128 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature Analysis 3 The Old Man and the Sea was written by Ernest Hemingway. It was published by the Charles Scribner’s Sons in 1952, and contains 127 pages. The genre is literary fiction. The story is about an old man named Santiago who fishes alone in the Gulf Stream and has been very unsuccessful for the past 84 days. A simple tale, this takes timeless themes of courage of one man’s struggle and personal triumph. The author’s purpose was to write both a realistic andRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1412 Words   |  6 Pagesboth having completely different writing styles and ideas, seem to have an underlying similarity in how they view leadership and heroism. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway and Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh both show internal battles and undeniable fate within characters throughout each novel. In The Old Man and the Sea Hemmingway uses Santiago, the old Cuban fisherman, to represent internal transformation, renewed life, triumph, and defeat. Ghosh also represents similar struggles throughRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1586 Words   |  7 Pageswithin the plot of the novel, The Old Man and the Sea and the motion picture, Life of Pi. In the novel, the old fisherman, Santiago spends a few days out at sea attempting to capture the fish of his dreams. He battles through pain, thirst and hunger in order to bring the Marlin to the shore. However, whi le losing his prey, he gains a priceless experience combined with pride, respect and compassion. On the other hand, the main character in the movie survives at sea for 227 days with a wild animal,Read MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1121 Words   |  5 Pagesimpact on the author of The Old Man and The Sea, Ernest Hemingway. Gertrude, an American novelist, poet, playwright and art collector, served as a mentor for Ernest. The novelist also served as a godmother to Ernest along with her companion, Alice B. Toklas. Ernest Hemingway used his experience with Gertrude in his 1952 book, The Old Man and The Sea. Santiago and Manolin share a relationship similar to Ernest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein. Throughout The Old Man and The Sea, Ernest Hemingway providesRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1395 Words   |  6 PagesBoth The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway and â€Å"To Build a Fire† by Jack London both explore the literary conflict of man verses nature. Both main characters sha re many similarities; however, they also have various differences that set them apart as well. In The Old Man and the Sea the story is about Santiago, an old fisherman who sets out one day and catches the fish of a lifetime. Santiago then spends multiple days fighting the fish in the middle of the ocean. â€Å"To Build a Fire† is about aRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea993 Words   |  4 Pages one Earnest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, is a captivating story about and old seasoned fisherman named Santiago. It is a tale of his epic struggle with the greatest catch of his life after not catching anything for eighty-four days. He face psychological challenges and encounters multiple villains. Santiago is fishing with a young boy named Manolin and the boy leaves the old man to go on another boat. Hemingway explains to us why they boy had to leave the boat. â€Å"But after forty

Auditing and Professional Practice for Legislative -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theAuditing and Professional Practice for Legislative. Answer: Ethical principle breaching under APES 110 (a) The auditor may on his own discretion share his audit working papers with any third party subject to the restriction of legislative or legal requirements. Further, the request for the audit working papers whether to be shared or not to be shared are considered on the basis of the circumstances where there is a dispute regarding the audit fee or any other litigation. In any case, the permission from the client must be taken to share any papers to conform that the auditor is complying the law of duty regarding the confidentiality of client ( 2017). Therefore, without getting consent from the client, if the auditor shares his audit working papers with Penshurst Accountants, it will breach the ethical compliance requirement of APES 110. (b) Before appointing any person in the organization, it is the employers duty to enquire about his proficiency, integrity and objectivity through various sources. However, if the CPA to maintain his independency wants the local accounting firm not to contact his current employer, the principle of APES 110 will not be violated. Therefore, it is the employers discretion to decide whether to contact his current employer or not (Roy and Saha 2014). (c) Services that are provided to the client apart from the regular services under the contract, the additional services are known as non-audit services. Engagement of the auditor in non-audit services lead to various threats like advocacy threat, familiarity threat, self-review threat or self-interest threat (Dattin 2017). Under the given circumstance, the auditor is engaged in providing services like advising the client regarding the auditors other services before issuing them the final audit report. Therefore, it will lead to creation of self-interest threat and will eventually breach the APES 110 principles. (d) Though the position of the audit firm partner, Judith Durham, who is also the member of the board of Directors of same organization, does not include any function of management, still it will lead to creation of familiarity threat. Familiarity threat also generated for the audit firm as a whole even when any one partner has close relation with the client organization. Therefore, even if the position of Ms. Durham is honorary and he is not involved with the performance of the management function, she is carrying out the responsibilities of the auditor and the director at the same time. Thus, it will lead to the creation of familiarity threat which in turn will breach the APES 110 principle. (e) If the permission is taken only for releasing the tax related working papers, Ernie Dengate shall release the tax working papers only and not any other working papers related to bookkeeping or auditing. The confidentiality aspect explains that the auditor can share the audit working papers only with the proper permission of the client and subject to legal or legislative restrictions. Further, utilising the clients data that are generated by the auditor during the audit procedure for his personal or professional purpose and share it with the third party it will violate the auditors confidentiality aspect towards his client. Thus, even if the papers are intended to be shared with the new owner of the business, as Mr. Ernie Dengate is selling his business it will not be regarded as the same business and therefore will breach the principle of APES 110 (Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board (APESB) 2013). (f) Services that are provided to the client apart from the regular services under the contract, the additional services are known as non-audit services. Engagement of the auditor in non-audit services like tax consultancy service or management advisory services it lead to creation of self-interest threat. Under the given circumstance, Mr Nerk, the public accountant apart from the regular audit services, provides non-audit services like tax consultancy services and management advisory services. Thus, providing all these services at the same time will breach the principle of APES 110. (g) The auditor is responsible for giving his judgement on the financial statement of the clients organization. However, the auditor is not supposed to prepare the financial statement of the client as it will lead to creation of self-interest threat as well as familiarity threat (Enofe, Okunega and Ediae 2013). Nonetheless, if the auditor All Good Chartered Accounting only maintains the branch financial record of the clients organization, that will not breach the APES 110 principles. (h) AS per the regulation and principles of APES 110, all the members are obliged to comply with the laws, integrity and objectivity and shall not involve in the act of that may discredit the profession of audit. these acts may include the involvement under drinking too much alcohols or taking drugs or assaulting or conviction or behaviour disorder (Benjamin 2014). Under the given circumstance, the public accountant James Jameson after drinking too much alcohol involved himself in fight and charged with assault. Moreover, owing to disorderly behaviour he sentenced to jail and his license suspended. Therefore, the activities of Mr. Jameson will breach the APES 110 principle (Accounting Professional Ethical Standards Board 2017). Audit opinion (a)Though the auditor was unable obtaining the confirmations from various major customers of the client, he satisfied himself regarding the account balances through other procedures; an unqualified opinion can be given to the client. (b)As the auditor was restricted to carry out his procedures for verifying the property, equipment and plant that comprised a significant part that is 35% of the total assets, a disclaimer of opinion may be given under such circumstances. (c)The contingent liability that was removed from the necessary disclosures of the financial statement can have material impact on the statement if it becomes actual liability (Amin, Krishnan and Yang 2014). Therefore, the auditor can give qualified opinion. (d)As the significant part of the sales to the retailer that were made on cash cannot investigated as the internal controls were not adequate. Further, no audit tests were there to assure that the sales were recorded correctly. Therefore, the auditor here can issue the qualified opinion. (e)As the auditor is satisfied regarding the fact that no material misstatement were there in the financial statement and through the information regarding opening balances were not provided by the client, the auditor can use other methods to confirm the balance of opening stock (Czerney, Schmidt and Thompson 2014). Therefore, the auditor here can issue unqualified opinion. (f)After the Australian Accounting Standard came into force, it became mandatory to be followed by all the companies. As the client is not following Australian Accounting Standards while preparing their financial statements, the auditor will issue qualified opinion under this. (g)As the client is using LIFO method for accounting the inventories that is not allowed under AAS and usage of this method has material impact on the financial statement. Though the impact is limited to the effect on the valuation of inventories, the auditor can issue qualified opinion. (h)The going concern situation of the client is under significant doubt and the clients main customer has gone into liquidation. Further, it is unlikely that the other customers will replace the lost customer, client should have been mentioned this fact through the disclosures or it can be regarded as suppression of facts by the clients (Francis, Pinnuck and Watanabe 2013). Therefore, the auditor here can issue the disclaimer of opinion. Reference (2017). Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) - Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Aug. 2017]. Accounting Professional Ethical Standards Board (2017).Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. [ebook] Australia: Accounting Professional Ethical Standards Board. Available at: [Accessed 15 Aug. 2017]. Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board (APESB), 2013. APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. Amin, K., Krishnan, J. and Yang, J.S., 2014. Going concern opinion and cost of equity.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,33(4), pp.1-39. Benjamin, S.J., 2014. Auditors IndependenceA Practical Solution.Browser Download This Paper. Czerney, K., Schmidt, J.J. and Thompson, A.M., 2014. Does auditor explanatory language in unqualified audit reports indicate increased financial misstatement risk?.The Accounting Review,89(6), pp.2115-2149. Dattin, C.F., 2017. Developments in France regarding the mandatory rotation of auditors: Do they enhance auditors independence?.Accounting History,22(1), pp.44-66. Enofe, A.O., Okunega, C.N. and Ediae, O.O., 2013. Audit Quality and Auditors Independence in Nigeria: An Empirical Evaluation. Francis, J.R., Pinnuck, M.L. and Watanabe, O., 2013. Auditor style and financial statement comparability.The Accounting Review,89(2), pp.605-633. Roy, M.N. and Saha, S.S., 2014. Statutory Auditors Independence in Protecting Stakeholders Interest: An Empirical Analysis.Changing Finance and Economic Perspective, pp.151-162.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Stanford Academic Calendar Essay Example

Stanford Academic Calendar Paper AUTUMN QUARTER 2017-18 August 1 (Tue) Axess opens for course enrollment. Stanford Bulletin publishes academic year 2017-18 degree requirements August 28 (Mon) M.D. first-year students, first day of instruction. August 31 (Thu) M.D. second-year students, first day of instruction. September 5 (Tue) Law School instruction begins for 1st-year J.D. students. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). We will write a custom essay sample on Stanford Academic Calendar specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stanford Academic Calendar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stanford Academic Calendar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer September 15 (Fri) Autumn Quarter Cardinal Care Waiver Deadline; see the Cardinal Care web site. September 15 (Fri) M.B.A. 1st-year instructions begins. September 15 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) At-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund within the first week of term. September 19 (Tue) New undergraduates arrive. Convocation. Undergraduate housing opens for new students; see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. September 21 (Thu) Undergraduate housing opens for returning students; see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. September 25 (Mon) First day of quarter; instruction begins. September 25 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Preliminary Study List deadline. Students must be at status; i.e., students must have a study list with sufficient units to meet requirements for their status, whether full-time, 8-9-10 units (graduate students only), or approved Undergraduate Special Registration Status or Graduate Special Registration Status. The late study list fee is $200. September 25 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Deadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund (see undergraduate leaves of absence and graduate leaves of absence). See Tuition and Refund Schedule for a full refund schedule. September 25 (Mon) Law School instruction begins for 2nd/3rd-year J.D. and advanced degree students. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). September 28 (Thu) Conferral of degrees, Summer Quarter 2016-17. September 29 (Fri) GSB course add/drop deadline. October 13 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Final Study List deadline, except GSB. Last day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a W notation will appear on the transcript. November 6 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. November 17 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Change of grading basis deadline, except GSB. November 17 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Course withdrawal deadline, except GSB, Law, and M.D. November 17 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Application deadline for Autumn Quarter degree conferral. November 20-24 (Mon-Fri) Thanksgiving Recess (no classes). December 1 (Fri) Last day of Law classes. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). December 2-7 (Sat-Thu) Law School Reading Period. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). December 4-10 (Mon-Sun) End-Quarter Period. December 8 (Fri) Last day of classes (unless class meets on Sat.), except Law. December 8 (Fri) Last opportunity to arrange Incomplete in a course, at last class. December 8 (Fri, noon) University thesis, D.M.A. final project, or Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit. December 8 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Late application deadline for Autumn Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee). December 8-15 (Fri-Fri) Law School examinations. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). December 11-15 (Mon-Fri) End-Quarter examinations. December 15 (Fri) Winter Quarter Cardinal Care Waiver Deadline; see the Cardinal Care web site. December 16 (Sat, noon) Undergraduate housing closes for Winter Break; see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. December 19 (Tue, 11:59 p.m.) Grades due. January 11 (Thu) Conferral of degrees, Autumn Quarter. WINTER QUARTER 2017-18 October 29 (Sun) Axess opens for course enrollment. December 29 (Fri) At-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund within the first week of term. January 6 (Sat, 8:00 a.m.) Undergraduate housing opens for Winter Quarter; see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. January 8 (Mon) First day of quarter; instruction begins for all students. January 8 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Preliminary Study List deadline.Students must be at status; i.e., students must have a study list with sufficient units to meet requirements for their status, whether full-time, 8-9-10 units (graduate students only), or approved Undergraduate Special Registration Status or Graduate Special Registration Status. The late study list fee is $200. January 8 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Deadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund (see undergraduate leaves of absence and graduate leaves of absence). See Tuition and Refund Schedule for a full refund schedule. January 12 (Fri) GSB course add/drop deadline. January 15 (Mon) Martin Luther King, Jr., Day (holiday, no classes). January 26 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.)Â  Final Study List deadline, except GSB. Final day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a W notation will appear on the transcript. February 19 (Mon) Presidents Day (holiday, no classes; Law does hold classes). February 21 (Wed, 5:00 p.m.) Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. March 2 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Change of grading basis deadline, except GSB. March 2 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Course withdrawal deadline, except GSB, Law, and M.D. March 2 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Application deadline for Winter Quarter degree conferral. March 12 (Mon) Last day of Law classes. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). March 12-18 (Mon-Sun) End-Quarter Period. March 13-15 (Tue-Thu) Law School Reading Period. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). March 16 (Fri) Last day of classes (unless class meets on Sat.) March 16 (Fri) Last opportunity to arrange Incomplete in a course, at last class. March 16 (Fri, noon) University thesis, D.M.A. final project, Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit. March 16 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Late application deadline for Winter Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee). March 16-23 (Fri-Fri) Law School examinations. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). March 19-23 (Mon-Fri) End-Quarter examinations. March 24 (Sat) Undergraduate housing move-out (if departing at end of Winter Quarter); see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. March 27 (Tue, 11:59 p.m.) Grades due. April 5 (Thu) Conferral of degrees, Winter Quarter. SPRING QUARTER 2017-18 February 11 (Sun) Axess opens for course enrollment. March 23 (Fri) At-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund within the first week of term. March 31 (Sat) Undergraduate housing move-in date for Spring Quarter; see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. April 2 (Mon) First day of quarter; instruction begins for all students. April 2 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Preliminary Study List deadline.Students must be at status; i.e., students must have a study list with sufficient units to meet requirements for their status, whether full-time, 8-9-10 units (graduate students only), or approved Undergraduate Special Registration Status or Graduate Special Registration Status. The late study list fee is $200. April 2 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Deadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund (see undergraduate leaves of absence and graduate leaves of absence). See See Tuition and Refund Schedule for a full refund schedule. April 5 (Thurs) GSB classes begin. April 10 (Tues) GSB course add/drop deadline. April 13 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Application deadline for Spring Quarter degree conferral. April 15 (Sun) Spring Quarter Cardinal Care Waiver Deadline; see the Cardinal Care web site. April 20 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Final Study List deadline, except GSB. Last day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a W notation will appear on the transcript. May 14 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. May 25 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Change of grading basis deadline, except GSB. May 25 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Course withdrawal deadline, except GSB, Law, and M.D. May 28 (Mon) Memorial Day (holiday, no classes). June 1-7 (Fri-Thu) End-Quarter Period. June 1 (Fri) Last day of Law classes. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). June 2-3 (Sat-Sun). Law School reading Period. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). June 4-8 (Mon-Fri) Law School examinations. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). June 6 (Wed) Last day of classes. June 6 (Wed) Last opportunity to arrange Incomplete in a course, at last class. June 6 (Wed, noon) University thesis, D.M.A. final project, or Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit. June 6 (Wed, 5:00 p.m.) Late application deadline for Spring Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee). June 7 (Thu) Day before finals, no classes. June 8-13 (Fri-Wed) End-Quarter examinations. June 13 (Wed, noon) Grades for GSB graduating students due. June 14 (Thu, noon) Grades for graduating students due. June 15 (Fri) Undergraduate housing move-out date (for all students not involved in Commencement); see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. June 16 (Sat) Senior Class Day. June 16 (Sat) Baccalaureate Saturday. June 16 (Sat) Law School Diploma Ceremony. See the full Law School academic calendar (pdf). June 16 (Sat) GSB Diploma Ceremony. June 16 (Sat) Medical School Commencement Ceremony. June 17 (Sun) Commencement. Conferral of degrees, Spring Quarter. June 18 (Mon) Undergraduate Housing move-out date (for graduates and others involved in Commencement with permission); see Residential Dining Enterprises Calendar. June 19 (Tue, 11:59 p.m.) Grades for non-graduating students due. SUMMER QUARTER 2017-18 April 8 (Sun) Axess opens for course enrollment. June 15 (Fri) Summer Quarter Cardinal Care Waiver Deadline; see the Cardinal Care web site June 15 (Fri) At-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund within the first week of term. June 25 (Mon) First day of quarter; instruction begins. June 25 (Mon, 5:00 p.m.) Preliminary Study List deadline. June 25 (Mon) Deadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund (see undergraduate leaves of absence and graduate leaves of absence). See Tuition and Refund Schedule for a full refund schedule. July 4 (Wed) Independence Day (holiday, no classes). July 6 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Final Study List deadline.Final day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a W notation will appear on the transcript. July 27 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. August 3 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Change of grading basis deadline. August 3 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Course withdrawal deadline. August 3 (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Application deadline for Summer Quarter degree conferral. August 11-16 (Sat-Thu) End-Quarter Period. August 16 (Thu) Last day of classes. August 16 (Thu) Last opportunity to arrange Incomplete in a course, at last class. August 17-18 (Fri-Sat) End-Quarter examinations. August 21 (Tue, 11:59 p.m.) Grades due. August 31 (Fri, noon) University thesis, D.M.A. final project, or Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit. August 31Â   (Fri, 5:00 p.m.) Late application deadline for Summer Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee). September 27 (Thu)Â  Conferral of degrees, Summer Quarter.