Monday, December 30, 2019

Sexism And Women s Rights - 1751 Words

Sexism has been a problem in America for a long time. If a person compares a man to a woman, the man takes it in a negative way. From kids to adults, women get unfair treatment all the time. The privileges women get are almost always inferior to the privileges men get (Forbes). Feminists have stood up for themselves since the 19th century (Greene, Busse, and Haynes). Feminists are women who stand up for their rights and equality. Although women’s rights have gotten better, there are still many disadvantages to overcome. Men have portrayed women in demeaning, submissive, and often sexualized ways for decades. Many people in America believe that sexism is not present in today’s world, but there is plenty of evidence that should convince people to see that that is not the case. In the early stages of the idea of sexism, many women had no rights of their own. In fact, women did not even have an identity of their own. They took on the identity of their husbands. In the article â€Å"Sexism† by Jennifer Greene, Michele Busse, and Holly Haynes they state that â€Å"The struggle for women’s rights began in the 18th century.† During this time, people only saw women as inferior to men. This limited them to only having kids and taking care of the things at home. Many people thought that that was what women were made for anyway. Women were excluded from many things. They could not own property, work at any business, be involved in government, or higher their education (Greene, Busse, andShow MoreRelated Sexism in Our Society Essay870 Words   |  4 PagesSexism in Our Society Sexism has always been a major issue for women. It seems that today, everyone has to be careful of what they say and do so as to avoid offending someone. While everyone is busy worrying about extinguishing sexism towards women - which still is an issue that needs to be taken care of, who is concerned with sexism towards men? Sexism is just as much of an issue to men as it is to women. Many people believe that men have advantages over women when comes to aRead MoreSexism And Racism : Racism And Prejudice Essay1348 Words   |  6 PagesSexism vs Racism Discrimination and prejudice have both been a major problem in our society since the idea of gender and race contacted our brains. Everyone hopes that humankind will change and treat everyone equally and fairly, but this still has yet to happen. Mankind is still treating people as minorities without a second thought. Women are still stereotyped as being too feminine for a â€Å"man’s job†, such as construction or military forces. As well as, men being considered to manly to be ableRead MoreThe Problem Of Gender Sexism1716 Words   |  7 Pagesare still a lot of powerless groups exist in this world, such as the group of women. The problem of gender sexism exists from the beginning of the history and still continues in today’s society. Women are still inferior to men in my country, whether from family and job status, social position and political views, women are treated unequal and disrespectful, therefore, this problem needs more abundant attention. â€Å" Sexism, like many forms of prejudice, only survives in a traditional environments andRead MoreFeminism is simply a sociological theory, which states that men and women are equal. Feminism is900 Words   |  4 Pagestheory, which states that men and women are equal. Feminism is mainly concerned with giving rights to women by highlighting the numerous ways in which women have rendered to society. Feminist theorists believe in the social, political, and economic equality of genders and believe that each has his own rights as well as duties. They strive to give the oppressed women their full rights that are being taken every day. History of Feminism Feminism first started in the 1830’s as a basic sociological theoryRead MoreWomen Should Stay At Home996 Words   |  4 Pagesdemoting movements such as, abortion, or gay rights. Two extremely memorable advertisements are ones that promote the anti-sexism movement. As a woman and a feminist, these ads really caught my attention and urged me to learn more. Both men and women have endured many conflicts due to sexism; movements such as the UN Women and the #EndAllSexism are some of the proof that people are still fighting and that sexism still exists in today’s society. In the UN Women ad, there is a black haired, white female’sRead MoreBlack Feminist1005 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to Oxford English Dictionary, Black Feminist can be defined as a movement consisting of African American women advocating social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men (Oxford English Press). Black feminism argues that sexism, social class oppression, and racism are inseparably bound together (Collins). The feminist movement has been around since the 1880s when the word â€Å"Feminism† appeared in the French language (Collins). The word found traction in BritainRead MoreSexism Is The Discrimination Of One s Gender951 Words   |  4 PagesSexism is the discrimination of one s gender. Sexism has been around for a long time. Sexism is usually aimed towards women. People believe that women are fragile and cannot fend for themselves. No matter where anyone works there is some form of sexism taking place. Some jobs favor women over men and others do the complete opposite. Some jobs give all the heavy lifting to men and all the easy objectives to women. Many jobs do this all the time, which is not right to do to someone. A job should giveRead MoreSexism, Discrimination, And Social Reform1671 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout history, sexism has went from being one of the most undiscussed topic to being one of the most diverse, controversial topics in the United States. Sexism can be described as â€Å"Unfair treatment of people because of their sex; especially; unfair treatment to women† (Merriam- Webster). Thesis Through the majority of the United States background, sexism was rarely spoken of. A majority of, people were not offended by the rights that they were not given, which in turn, never made women right’s an issueRead MoreSexism, Prejudice, And Discrimination On The Basis Of Sex1610 Words   |  7 PagesSexism is the prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination on the basis of sex. Sexism is regarded mostly towards women. Sexism affects everyone but not effecting everyone evenly. For women, they suffer from sexism socially, educational, political, religious, social, etc. The idea of sexism is that the men have more power than the women. Women get judged differently than men do. Women get judged in the workplace which limits them to certain jobs. The stereotypes that women are under are unbelievableRead MoreGender Discrimination And Its Effects On Children s Behavior And Personality1508 Words   |  7 Pagesin the learning environment. This is because schools are teaching sexism in classes through textbooks that do not give historical female figures enough credit for their accomplishments, dress codes that punish girls for their body’s at the risk of the male education, and gender stereotypes placed in schools that have a strong influence on children s behavior and personality. Some may argue against this claim by arguing that women are not given credibility in history books because of their treatment

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Role of Federal Agencies in Fighting Digital Crime Essay

Explain the existing challenges that result from the independent nature of these agencies, as well as the other factors that are common to each of them. In the United States, local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, including FBI, Department of Homeland Security, among others, have taken on roles to fight computer crimes and terrorism. The roles and responses of these law enforcement agencies concerning digital crime have created challenges that limit enforcement efforts against digital crime. The Department Of Justice has had to address evolving challenges such as mortgage fraud, corporate fraud, and cyber crime including online child pornography. As it seeks to balance and address competing and new priorities, the†¦show more content†¦In April 2011, GAO, Government Accountability Office, reported that backlogs in the forensic analysis of digital evidence can delay or hinder online child pornography investigations. Among factors that federal law enforcement off icials cited as limiting investigations and prosecutions were variations in the steps that agencies believe enhance the integrity of forensic analysis of digital evidence. In some cases, these steps may increase the time it takes to analyze evidence and add to backlogs and delays. (GAO High Risk Other Major Government Challenges Balancing Fighting Crime Versus Terrorism) State and local law enforcement agencies face several challenges including the lack of resources, expertise, training, and funding to solve cyber crime. Of these problems, are the growing concerns of the local and state officials about the threats made relating to the protection of computer infrastructures at the federal level. Local officers are not having the capacity or understanding of computer crimes necessary to properly investigate offenses such as computer and electric crimes and fraud and theft crimes by digital technology. (Taylor, 2011) Having education and appropriate training is crucial in the investig ation process to gain an upper hand in fighting digital crime. In addition, state and local law enforcement expressed concerns about resource constraints and apprehension regarding expertise and jurisdictionalShow MoreRelatedThe Role of Federal Agencies in Fighting Digital Crime774 Words   |  3 Pagesother law enforcement agencies have similar challenges when fighting computer crimes and terrorism due to the recent development of computer technologies as well as constant threats. Federal law enforcement agencies and local law enforcement agencies have different responsibilities that work independently instead of on the same level, which can make it difficult to coordinate and cooperate to fight against computer crimes and terrorist threats. Local law enforcement agencies deal with more challengesRead MoreTechnology And The Criminal Justice System1009 Words   |  5 Pageshave been significant advancements in technology which has in turn changed and increased the type of crimes in today’s society. With the new technology, the criminals are ready to exploit it. So therefore, the future direction of crime fighting and its role in social policy implication are geared toward the advancements of technology. For criminal justice system to intervene, deter, or prevent crimes, they must be equipped with the latest technologies. Advancements to technology within the criminalRead MoreEssay on Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism1853 Words   |  8 PagesDigital Crime and Digital Terrorism are crimes that are of high relevance to the roles and responses of law enforcement that involve offenses committed by way of, and aid of computers and other technology advanced devices that includes but is not limited to: identify theft, fraud, computer hackers, inside and outside espionage, white collar crimes, and virus and malicious code writers; in conjunction with digital terrorism in terms of concepts of information warfare and cyber terrorism. All of theseRead M oreInformation, Education, And Not For Forensic Purposes1503 Words   |  7 Pageseducation, procedure and significance of the evidence. One of the main concerns in this field is still acquiring the information in a way that does not jeopardize the integrity of the information despite having the appropriate tools. This is because digital forensic scientists created the tools for security and other computer related purposes and not for forensic purposes (Casey, 2004, p.29). This poses specific issues when the investigators are trying to collect information in a manner that is acceptableRead MoreEmerging Trends Of Cyber Crime1867 Words   |  8 PagesEmerging Trends in Cyber Crime Abstract- We are in a state where without computer and internet life does not seem possible. From the time of the evolution of computer and internet, large scale industries, commercial institutions, financial institutions have become more dependent on cyber space. But at the same time cyber crimes have become the biggest threat to the users of information technology. Considering cyber crimes, many countries have come-up with cyber laws, some countries have implementedRead MorePublic Awareness Campaigns Through Social Media Essay1597 Words   |  7 Pagescompetitive free market that presently exists for the Internet and other interactive computer services, unfettered by Federal or State regulation.† Now this is not to say that the UAS Congress is in any way okay with online sex trafficking, in fact, Congress has promoted the criminal law to deter and punish such trafficking. A good example of the congress doing its part to stop this crime is the â€Å"Communications Decency Ac t†, that was passed by Congress in 1996, its purpose was to make the Internet a saferRead MoreEssay on Criminology in the Future3348 Words   |  14 Pagesin the Future As the world changes, people change, new technology advances, and so does crime. Criminals look for new ways to commit crime and the â€Å"loop holes† in the laws. The justice system needs to stay on top of these new technologies to protect the people. With the advancement of technology, law officials have to follow the rules of law. Law Enforcement must keep these â€Å"liberties† in mind when fighting cybercrime. The Bill of Rights guarantees â€Å"civil liberties† to Americans. These include theRead MoreAmber Alert Essay1606 Words   |  7 Pagesthe child lives. Less than sixty of the children are returned to their families alive. Four percent of the children abducted are never found. Seventy-four percent of the children abducted are dead within three hours (Kidnapping Statistics, Kids Fighting Chance). To save children’s lives it is important to get the message out quickly and accurately. The AMBER Alert was created for the purpose of returning missing children to their families. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Executive Development Project Edp Education Essay Free Essays

The Executive Development Project harmonizing to me is the stepping rock of success to my executive calling. The Proposal of the EDP undertaking is the short version of the chief EDP which will include the different trials and groundss that would province my Professional Development on a uninterrupted footing. The EDP non merely focuses on my calling direction but besides on self direction. We will write a custom essay sample on The Executive Development Project Edp Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It will assist me to be cognizant of myself which would assist me non merely to achieve my ends but besides will assist me to cognize me myself. This will non merely assist me develop professionally but besides personally. The theories which motivated me are The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People by Covey Paradigm Shift by Jarvis MAP and SOAR by Kumar Prosecuting in CPD by Megginson A ; Whitaker Background: – There are assorted methods by which we were told to self assess ourselves by our coachs which followed certain theories which will assist me in CPD Stephen Covey- Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People ( 2004 ) : – Be Proactive: – This states that one should be self determined and should hold the power to command the environment around instead than other manner around. Therefore one should be Pro Active. Analyzing MBA in the University of Bedfordshire has made me pro active particularly after the MBA Practice Week. This has increased my involvement in acquiring my MBA Degree with good classs. Get down with terminal in head: – ( Covey, 2004 ) states this as Personal Leadership wont which suggests that one should get down everything in his life holding a peculiar end. By making so I will be able to continue carefully in my hereafter by taking proper stairss and do me capable plenty to go through through the obstructions. This fits in me besides because at this point of clip I have started my Master in business with a end in head i.e. going a director in the corporate universe. Put first things foremost: – ( Covey, 2004 ) , in the 3rd wont provinces that one should be organised adequate to be successful. He states this as Personal Management. This would assist me to acquire things done on clip and non to be kept till the terminal. Think Win-Win: – This wont of Interpersonal leading will besides play an of import function in my hereafter because it depends on co-operative work which in short is team work which I feel is really of import because of my calling end. I have already witnessed a spot of it in the MBA Practice Week. Seek foremost to understand and so to be understood: – I feel this as the most of import wont that Covey has reference because this manner of communicating is most efficient in the corporate universe. This would do me a good hearer as before being an adviser. This will do me understand the job and do the best possible solution. Synergize: – This is stated as Creative Co-operation in Covey, 2004. It is really of import to hold co-operation in the topographic point of work. I feel that if as an person could synergize I could bring forth better consequences particularly in team undertakings. Sharpen the Proverb: – This wont stated in ( Covey, 2004 ) is the Self Renewal wont. It is traveling to be really utile for me because I will be developing myself on a regular footing by making so. The ego here refers to my religious, physical, metal, social/emotional parts in me. Jarvis ( 2002 ) -Paradigm Shift: – Focus: – It is of import that I focus in my calling every bit good as in my work topographic point. This will assist me accomplish my ends at the expected clip every bit good as will increase my ability to undertake the aims in order to acquire to my ultimatum. Direction: – ( Jarvis, 2002 ) says that a job should be looked from different angles. This is the most indispensable quality I require in my day-to-day life every bit good as at my hereafter work topographic point. If I look at the issues in several angles, I would acquire assorted solutions and it would assist me undertake it in a more elusive manner. Adaptability: – In simple words I have to accept the alteration the manner they come. I will hold to accept and accommodate consequently in order to do the best possible result. This is would do me ready for my hereafter to acquire adapted to my work topographic point to acquire the best out of me. Healthy ego regard and ego cognition: – It is really of import that I follow the cognition I possess in order to avoid uncertainties about my ability in forepart of others. So it is really of import that I put my cognition into pattern efficaciously to avoid the hazard of uncertainness that could take to my ruin. Kumar ( 2008 ) -MAP, SOAR: – Map: – Motivation: – Kumar says that it is really of import to do a self appraisal of one ego. In my instance of ego appraisal I need to cognize how motivated I am to accomplish my ends by larning through every stage of life. Here motive refers to my involvement and my advancement towards my point of involvement. This will assist me at times of unexpected jobs to be brave plenty to acquire to my ends. Abilities: – To acquire to my ends I need to cognize how able I am. This will assist me to do myself cognize the most current and possible abilities that can do me accomplish my ends. This will besides do me develop the bing abilities in me which will pitch my success which would enrich my calling in the corporate universe. Personality: – This will do me place my gustatory sensation, manner, penchants when I communicate with others. This is besides really of import because it is indispensable that I assess myself with respects to personality on a regular footing because it is an of import factor that will find my character. Therefore the utilizing MAP as a ego appraisal tool will non merely find my abilities but besides will hold an impact on each and every facet of my developmental procedure with respects to both life and hereafter Soar: – Self Awareness Opportunities Aspirations Consequences With the aid of SOAR I will be able have an consciousness of my ain ego. By making so I will cognize my Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This will enable me to better on my weak points and menaces in order to catch the approaching chances. Therefore SOAR analysis will do me self cognizant by assisting me accomplish my aspirations. Prosecuting in CPD – Megginson A ; Whitaker ( 2007 ) : – The lone manner I can develop myself professionally is by following the CPD rhythm given in ( Megginson A ; Whitaker, 2007, pg 27 ) Self Assess Plan/prioritise Make Reappraisal Once I follow this rhythm I will be able to cognize about how I proceed to a peculiar end. Then reexamine my public presentation once more and look into my mistakes and rectifying it in the hereafter. I will be able to measure myself merely at a lower degree as compared to my others measuring me. Here I have to takes in history the points mentioned by Megginson A ; Whitaker 2007 ) but the last two at a ulterior phase of my life. Work itself Contemplation by ego Feedback from others Individual Psychometric trials Organizational Prosodies Professional Prosodies Using this I will be able to supply grounds every bit good to my advancement with the CPD. This will assist me to supervise myself on a regular footing by which I will accomplish success both professionally and personally. Undertaking Time Line Week Sem 1 Action Result Week 1 Making me familiar with the topics in the MBA every bit good the intensity the class has. The first measure to carry through my dream started. Week 2 Becoming familiar to practical method of instruction. Got the thought of giving presentation and bettering my ability to hold on the chief points. Week 3 Making a seminar paper which was chiefly about the approaching talk session. Making things in progress. Making me to make a good research about the subject which was to be taught afterwards. Week 4 First trial in the MBA plan Had to utilize the old cognition of accounting which came ready to hand Week 5 Beginning of MBA Practice Week, First single presentation of life. Bettering squad accomplishment. Belbin ‘s theory assisting me to place my function in a squad. Assurance constructing while giving a presentation. Knowing what the subject is precisely Week 6 Dragon ‘s Den, Cultural workshop What all has to be done in order to get down a concern. How Culture shapes an person Week 7 â€Å" Houses Of Parliament † London Got the opportunity to interact with the MAYOR of Atlanta, US A ; Week 8 Submiting the first chief assignment in the MBA How precisely to border theory into pattern and the high sum of research that is to be undertaken. Week 9 First Group Assignment and Presentation How to work efficaciously in a squad which is fundamentally a group of friends. Week 10 Submiting the Proposal for the EDP Is the stepping rock for the chief Undertaking. Evidences: – Evidence type Consequences How will I utilize it SAQ Whether I am in the impulsive place or non To better my public presentation in and to measure the alterations in me. MBTI Which type of character am I Know more about myself which will besides assist to better my public presentation My Heros The individual whom we aspire to go one like. I will follow their way in order to accomplish success. I will besides seek to instill the qualities within them Belbin Resource Investigator, Coordinator, Specialist To hold more impact on these countries every bit good as to better the other countries. Ishikawa ‘s Fishbone To place the universe category me By bettering my nucleus values in order to go better and better My Development Plan My Future Development Plans How am I traveling to accomplish my ends in the hereafter Critical Incidents How they have affected me What I did? How has my life changed after that? Metaphorical House How I manage my head, organic structure, spirit, emotion This would do my growing on a personal footing Johari What I and people think about me Develop on my failings and Reduce my menaces Decision: – The EDP Proposal has hence helped to a great extent with regard the chief Undertaking. This Proposal through assorted trials and CPD has made me analyse my accomplishments and place my failings. The proposal besides focuses on four chief theories that will assist me develop professionally. The proposal has besides made me analyze the countries that I am missing, place my strength countries. The groundss that are provided by me besides points out the fact that where precisely I am. Therefore I would reason that the EDP is the major instrument through which I can analyse myself and develop myself both personally and professionally which would assist me accomplish my ends. Recommendations: – It is necessary that every person analyzes himself in order to cognize where he is placed. It is of import because he will come to cognize about the of import facets of his personality. This will assist him to continue with his development stage which is ne’er stoping and development non merely in his professional life but in his overall personality. But when making the exercisings such as the SAQ ‘s, MBTI and other psychometries it should be seen that the information provided is true or else there wo n’t be any major usage of making the exercisings. Besides the diaries should be maintained on a regular footing. How to cite The Executive Development Project Edp Education Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Assess Functionalsu and New Right View of the Family free essay sample

Functionalists believe that the family have specific or traditional functions within the family. One function of the family would be reproduction or having children as this is imperative for the world as they will be the future workforce. For example family businesses will need to pass down the factories/shops to the next generation in the family for the continuing of the ancestors business. Other functions include economic maintenance this is where the family provides necessities for all the family members for example shelter, food and clothing. Another is that the family helps teach children how to socialise with others and also educate them with the correct norms. An important function of the family is that it gives a sense of identity and belonging for example the family allows people to be able to rely on because they are connected through family. Talcott Parsons is one of the key functionalists that strongly argued that the nuclear family fits the needs of the contemporary family and so believes that that extended family, which could involve divorce, will prevent the family from growing and being taken care of. He supported the traditional functions of the family and spoke about how the modern family is changing a lot of the former functions. Parsons identified two remaining functions within the family one being primary socialisation of young which is when the parents raise the children and educate them about the norms and values for example the rights and wrongs so they are able to pass them one. For example in abusive families negative norms are passed on. However how they act in other ways depend on their school life. The other main function is the stabilisations of adult personalities which is where children turn into adults and are forced to ‘grow up’ and get a job and buy a house etc. they are made to take things more seriously in the world so they are able to achieve a sense of belonging on their own and actually have a purpose. Overall Parson’s view of the family is centred around the middle and upper classes and focuses on the male’s purpose and ignores the female perspective. This suggests that parsons believes women are happy to be housewives and don’t aspire to be anything else but loyal to their husbands. A few positive functions of the family is that they are much more financially stable as the husband and father have a stable job and are able to earn enough money to support the whole family. The nuclear family also results in a much closer relationship between family members as they are with each other daily and so relationships are created. For example siblings are taught to share with each other and so form a bond of trust with each other. Children in the family are more likely to stay on a positive path if they are in a nuclear family as disruption could cause difficulties with school life and social life. Married parents are seen to be very good role models when they are part of a nuclear family. However a disadvantage of the nuclear family is that functionalist advertises it so it seems to be very isolated and private and therefore they are seen to have a poor social life because they keep to themselves and don’t concern themselves with wider groups of people. The family becomes attached to home leisure with TV the internet and games resulting in them becoming more home-centred. The family makes little contact with neighbours and is very self-contained. The family as a result of being private becomes reliant on support from the welfare state. Alternatively functionalists are said to idealise the family life too much. Therefore ignore the rising divorce rates. They refuse to acknowledge the negatives about the changing family life, and the growing family diversity. Another view would be those functionalists don’t take in account the abuse that can occur within any families. That is a reason as to why the modern family is changing, it’s due to the fact that the laws against domestic violence have become much stricter. This leads to the feminists who argued against this nuclear family as it portrayed women in a way that was very sexist. Ronald Fletcher a British sociologist who agreed with the functionalist’s perspective but argued that modern societies are changing and that there is an increase in modern functions in the family such as regulating sexual behaviour and the increase in parental involvement in their education. Other includes the being responsible in the rearing of children and caring for dependent people whether young or old. All these factors contribute to the changing family life and their morals. More and more people are starting to argue like Fletcher that the nuclear family is the dominant family structure but that its modifying over time for example mothers are now getting jobs as well as husbands so they both support the house hold and aren’t dependent on just one person for the whole family. Charles Murray a social scientist says ‘the traditional family life is under threat’. His main concern was with the welfare benefits that single women were being given. He thought that it was too easy for them to leave the nuclear family and live alone and just depend on benefits. Murray also argues that being or living with a single parent on benefits is giving the wrong role models to children as they are able to see that they can live alone and live off benefits so don’t strive to achieve any goals. There are fewer father figures to show discipline as the mother could lose control so the children go down a path of drug dealing vandalism and crime which gives a very positive look on the new right approach. Halsey and Dennis who agrees with what Murray argues saying that single parenthood and absent fathers is one of the key issues with the decrease in nuclear family lives. Due to the lack of jobs and rise in unemployment men are starting to struggle to maintain their title of bread winners and the industries are changing from heavy workloads so women are more likely to find a job in modern times. As a result men may be reject by the women as they can’t financially depend on them so would rather be given benefits than struggle to keep a roof over them and their children’s heads. Halsey debates that being in a one parent family with the factors of unemployment and poverty being high could inevitably lead to crime and vandalism by the younger members of the family. Against a nuclear family with a stable income and stable household would again lead to any crimes and vandalism by the offspring in the family. Abbott and Wallace’s critically judge the new right about how women are being exploited in the families and how a lot of frustration and unhappiness is able to be experienced by living in this environment. The new right also disagrees to acknowledge the violence that can be cause in a nuclear family life and the abuse a family can actually suffer from being forced to stay and live with them as it isn’t socially acceptable to be a one parent family. Some of the ideas that Abbott and Wallace criticised are that the new right are opposed to having an easy availability to a divorce; this again goes against women having the right to leave a violent family life and actually possibly saving theirs and their children’s lives by leaving. Again the new right disagrees with abortions as they say the foetuses have a right to life but Abbott and Wallace criticise this because bringing a baby into the world is a big thing and some people are unable to care for the baby correctly. The new right makes men have a very stressful life as they have a whole family dependent on them as a role model of a breadwinner and the same with women being role models for the girls and showing how much work goes into being involved in a family. Abbott and Wallace favour letting people take control of their own lives by living alone or being involved in a homosexual relationship or even women being the breadwinners while men are in charge of the household and children. Some of the traditional family values that the new right followers agree on bringing back involve that a woman’s place is in the home and shouldn’t be working as a bread winner as that’s the mans job as head of the household. This is associated with gender patriarchy as women are treated completely different to the way men are, and so it’s seen as unfair and sexist in the modern day. Gender patriarchy would be one of the main factors that feminists would argue about as they say women are oppressed by the nuclear family and its rules and values. Different feminist groups argue about different factors, liberal feminist argue about sex discrimination and want changes in the law to be made. However radical feminists argue against men patriarchy, where men are seen to have more power for example women are considered to be responsible for raising the children and choosing and cooking the food and keeping the home as welcoming as possible. Traditionally a man would never be seen do to the cooking or cleaning as it was seen as a wife’s job but in modern times it’s a much more equal task. There are however some positive aspects as to why many people agree with the new rights theory as Brigitte Berger, who defends the nuclear family by saying it’s a very positive feature of modern societies as it helps the youth of the world understand decency, common sense, politeness and respect for others. These values and morals will help make a better life for the person as common decency is seen as a norm and many people agree that in a single parent family the mother might find it s a struggle to teach the children all of that on her own due to the lack of help from the father figure.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Lab Report Pleurococcus Sample

Lab Report Pleurococcus Paper Leonardo line 8 RAM Lab report Measuring of fluoroscopes Background information fluoroscope is an extensive algae,it depending on the kind of environment an d produces the amount of plectrums depending on the environment. It allows you to use a small plots measuring the distribution and allocation of reality to identify relevant environmental factors organisms. 2. Aim / Research Question / Problem i am going to study about the how it affect the plant or tree, I a m using the quadrant to measure the distribution of organism p larcenous and what can effects the amount of the fluoroscopes. Hypothesis i will be expecting that having the same result,l expect that using differ .NET tree of different fluoroscope will have different results because we dont know if the tree has the same age, water, sunlight, shadow, and wind etc 4. Variables Independent Variable changing the type of tree to get the different Palermo cuscus and getting differentially of distribution that measure on the fluoros cope on the tree. Dependent Variable will be using the same amount of water, sunlight, wind and the age of the tree should be the same to make sure the experiment is using the Sam quantity and form the amount of pluperfects depending on the type Controlled Variable(s) the same amount of temperature, same environment so the amount of the fluoroscopes depends on the type if the tree, every thing can be controlled in the green house. Effects of fluoroscope Light: is required for photosynthesis Variable Moisture/humidity: if it is too dry, the Fluoroscope will become too dry and die out, as they are green plants and require humidity/ moisture to survive. Wind: It can transport moisture. However, it could bring about drying out and death of the algae. Temperature Amount of rainfall that runs down the tree. If it is too much, it washes off the Plutocracy 6. We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Pleurococcus specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Pleurococcus specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Pleurococcus specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Materials Quadrant (10 x 10 squares) Compass 5 types of tree Meter ruler pencil( to write down the result of it) paper( to write on it on the paper) 7. Diagram 7. Evaluation This subject is very interesting, but was pity that we didnt had an expert meet, even it will take a lot of time to do, it will be fun, However if we do it the results could have been affected because the light, winds, etc.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Prevention of Stress Essays

Prevention of Stress Essays Prevention of Stress Paper Prevention of Stress Paper To help reduce stress and improve the quality of life, many organizations are becoming more involved in wellness programs. With increasing health care costs, many employers are concentrating on disease prevention and health promotion. By putting a wellness program in place, it leads to a healthier workforce which increases its productivity level, reduces employee absenteeism, creates less overtime, and it also cuts the cost of health benefits (Kizer, 1987). Another reason that many companies are developing a wellness program within the organization is the effect it has on the bottom line. By preventing stress, an organization has happy healthy employees which means t quality and quantity of work will be improved. For example A middle manager may be a companys shining star, but if he is living in constant disharmony at home, or if his teenage daughter, whom he suspects is using street drugs, did not come home until 3 a. m. last Saturday night this promising manager is not going to be particularly efficient at even routine daily tasks. A worksite wellness program could help (Kizer, 1987, p. 36). Another contributing factor to higher job related stress is less leisure and vacation time. Throughout the 1980s, the amount of paid time off for employees is act shrinking. Many European workers are gaining vacation time, while Americans are losing it. In the last decade, U. S. workers have gotten less paid time off on the order of three and a half fewer days each year of vacation time, holidays, sick pay, and other paid absences. (Schor, 1991 p. 32). Many companies faced an economic squeeze in the 1980’s. Vacations and holidays were among the cost-cutting efforts. DuPont reduced its top vacation allotment time from seven four weeks. They also eliminated three of their paid holidays a year. With the new trend of downsizing, many employees are fearful of job loss and therefore, spend less time away from the workplace (Schor, 1991, p. 32). Individuals who experience high or frequent levels of stress need to learn to cope. High levels of stress can effect job performance and it can also be unhealthy. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, people need to attempt to take responsibility for stress. Those individuals need to learn more about stress in general and how it effects them. They also need to develop technique. , for monitoring personal levels of stress and develop techniques to deal with job related stress. Employees should look within the organization on ways to alleviate stress and how to cope more effectively. Organizations an often unnecessarily stressful and should be changed to reduce the negative impact on individuals physical and mental health (Paine, 1982, p. 21). Three major strategies for strengthening individuals are workshops, stress management skills, and focused short term counseling. Introductory workshops are essential to communicate and educate to be more mentally and physically healthy. Such workshops which specialize in topics as time management or relaxation techniques help to alleviate the stress in ones life (Paine, 1982, p. 22). Finding techniques that deal with personal stress can also be useful in dealing with job stress. Regular aerobic exercise to deep breathing techniques are potentially useful in stress management. Many specialist agree that there is not any one method to overcome the problem. One needs to realize their own self needs and strengths in dealing with stress management (Paine, 1982, p. 23). There are many different ways in which you can deal with job stress. Individuals can take on simple self-help countermeasures. There is also help from friends, colleagues, spouse, or other relatives. Professional help is available from clergymen, physicians, or counselors. The worksite offers several advantages for employees interested in making healthy lifestyle changes. The advantages include: Most employees go to a worksite on a regular schedule, thus providing opportunities for regular participation in wellness programs. Contact with co-workers can provide strong social support which is believed to be a primary force in sustaining lifestyle changes. Opportunities for strong, steady support of the program, as well as for promoting the concept that good health is good for everyone. Programs at the worksite may be less expensive to the employee than comparable programs in the community or may even be offered free as an employee benefit. Because of the varity of data systems available, it is possible to evaluate changes in an employees health status or other measures resulting from the program. The most attractive feature from an employee’s viewpoint is the fact that the program is convenient. From the employers viewpoint the benefits of worksite health promotion for stress include: Improved employee morale Improved employee relations Improved retention Improved community relations. Reduced absenteeism Reduced number of hours lost to late arrivals and sick davs. Since theres no getting around life’s problems, the best way to manage stress is to learn better coping skills. First pinpoint the reasons for stress in your life. Then try changing your attitude about them. Learn what you can control and accept the things you cannot. Practice self talk (this to shall pass, Some day we will laugh about this, or Its a learning experience). Keep your perspective. Ask yourself, Will I remember this in five years? Try to find the positive side to a stressful situation. Do not worry about things that may never happen. Practice positive self-talk, for example,I can do this,or Im in control. Negative self-talk such as, I have to be perfect,’ or I cant do this, produces more stress. Take action to manage stress. Changes and stress create energy. Are you using that energy to continue toward your goals? Or are you letting stress make you unhappy and unproductive? Take action to control your stress, both at work and at home. Manage your time better- make a to do list. Make it realistic so you can do the things listed and set priorities. Break task into bite size chunks. Delegate as much as possible. Keep in mind that tomorrow is another day and accept the fact that you may not get everything done today. Make sure you are communicating effectively- Go into stressful meetings as fully prepared as possible. Organize your thoughts, establish eye contact and listen for the whole message, including content feelings, and meanings. Remember that solving problems depends on give and take. Be prepared to negotiate and compromise. Break the tension cycle-At your desk, close your eyes, breathe deeply and relax. Laugh with co-workers, go out for lunch. At home, read a book, take a walk, chat with next door neighbors. Gets plenty of regular exercise and sleep-they will help you cope better. Get organized at home-Set daily and weekly routines for household chores. Delegate some chores to other family members. Cook meals in large quantities and freeze some for later. Plan for emergencies, keep first aid supplies and an extra set of car keys around. Stress can affect your self-esteem and your health, if you let it. Be kind to yourself. Relax, keep a positive attitude and get involved in activities you enjoy. Build on your strengths, take care of yourself Also team to reach out to others. Everyone needs a support system, a network of trustworthy people you care about and who care about you. Share your feelings so that they dont build up. Then focus on building positive energy. Stress is a normal, involuntary response to any demand made upon the body. Stress is very complex. Sources of stress may be made either more positive or more negative by a range of factors related to a given situation. Stress has become a widely used yet poorly understood term. As a result, a number of misconceptions about stress exist. Three of the most identified misconceptions are that: all stress is dab, stress is a part of life and there is nothing you can do about it, and stress is caused solely and completely by environmental factors. Stress is very much a personal condition, and individuals vary in their ability to cope with different forms and levels of stress. An example of this stress on a personal note would be co-worker conflict. When this stress occurs co-workers should discuss this matter privately. If possible, arrange your meeting on neutral grounds. Approach the person in a non-threatening manner. Respond to them with: I would like to talk something over with you. Try to make the other person feel less defensive or angry. Do not blame the other person. Listen closely to the other person. Understanding the other point of view may help you feet less stressful. Focus on ways to solve the problem. In this I mean do not revisit every past negative incident, this may distract from the resolution. Finally if none of the above work, seek help. If necessary talk with an employee assistance counselor who can help develop ground rules for such discussions and promote respectful communications. Stress is a complex process. It can arise in white collar as well as in blue-collar workers. Surveys have found little difference between white and blue-collar workers in terms of complaints, health, life satisfaction, depression, or other indicators of stress. Shift workers are thought to be more susceptible to stress-related illnesses. Because of personal involvement with the disruption in basic steep patterns and disruption in social life. Since every situation is unique, there are probably as many separate sources of stress as there are work situation. This may is important to recognize when seeking to evaluate working environments for sources of stress. Never the less sources of work related stress can be grouped into four general categories. Work load-which means stress resulting from to much work, to little work, work that is to hard or to easy. Work conditions-refers to a wide variety of factors including organization structure, such as job loss, change in work, and similar factors. Work patterns- pertains to shift work, repetitive work, and paced work Work roles-, which can be stressful because of role expectations with efficient use of resources and staff. Employers may also wish to introduce an EAP, which provides an effective strategy for assisting employees with personal and work related problems. Where organizations believe it would be necessary to make decisions about the quality of the proposed program. Such decisions should be made on the basis of a well-defined set of criteria. The following set of eight criteria for evaluating and selecting a stress intervention program is suggested. 1. A program should be conducted on both the organizational and individual level. 2. Content should be work related, but aim at reducing unwanted stress effects which may result from social, or personal factors. 3. Program should be based on valid research findings and conducted by qualified personnel. 4. Program should include regular and on going evaluation of its effectiveness in meeting program objectives. 5. Should include follow up evaluations, consultations, and refresher sessions for techniques learned. 6. Program should aim to affect both the attitudes and the behavior of participants. 7. Program for individual stress management should be flexible with goals which are reasonable, rather easily achieved, promoting high success rates, and participation should be voluntary. 8. Program should be chosen or constructed and implemented on the basis of close cooperation between management, employees, and professionals in the field. Employers and employees share responsibility for the maintenance of a healthy and safe working environment. Employers are by law obligated to provide a safe working intervention, formal and informal, is shared responsibility and calls for a cooperative effort. In general people react badly with either to little or to much stress. In basic terms, stress is one aspect of living that can be beneficial when it motivates, encourages changes or inspire. Behsahel, J. , Goodloe, A. , and Kely, J. (1984) Managing yourself-How to control Emotions, Stress, and Time. New Yourk: Franklin Watts. Kizer, William M. (1987). The Healthy Workplace- New York: John Wiley and Sons Paine, Whiton Stewart. (I 982). Job Stress and Burnout. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. Schor,juliet B. (1991). The Overworked American. New York: Basic Books. Cooper and Marshall. (1985) Stress in the Workplace

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Eudoxus and Dedekind Irrational Numbers and Mathematical Development Essay

Eudoxus and Dedekind Irrational Numbers and Mathematical Development - Essay Example The theory, as stated, was very oblique and difficult. It was pondered by mathematicians until it was superseded in the nineteenth century. His definition of proportions in Euclid's work exemplifies the struggle taking place in the Greek mind to get a handle on this problem. Magnitudes are said to be in the same ratio, the first to the second and the third to the fourth, when, if any equimultiples whatever be taken of the first and third, and any equimultiples whatever of the second and fourth, the former equimultiples alike exceed, are alike equal to, or alike fall short of, the latter equimultiples taken in corresponding order. What could such an inscrutable statement possibly mean It seems that Eudoxus (through Euclid) must have sat up nights trying to write something that no one could comprehend. To understand this statement we must remember two things about Greek mathematics. First, Eudoxus was not talking about numbers, but magnitudes. The two were not the same and could not be related to each other. Second, the Greeks did not have fractions, so they spoke of the ratios of numbers and ratios of magnitudes. Hence, our fraction 2/3 was for them the ratio 2:3. For their geometry, they also needed to talk about ratios, not of numbers, but of geometric magnitudes. For example, they knew that the ratio of the areas of two circles is equal to the ratio of the squares of the diameters of the circles. We can show this as (Flegg, 1983) (area of circle A):(area of circle B) (radius of circle A)2:(radius of circle B)2 The Greeks had to be sure that when these ratios of magnitudes involved incommensurable lengths, the order relationships held. In other words, would their geometric proofs be valid when such proofs involved ratios of incommensurable lengths The definition developed by Eudoxus was an attempt to guarantee that they would. The magnitudes in the ratios have the following labels: first: second = third: fourth. Eudoxus said that the first and second magnitudes have the same ratio as the third and fourth if, when we multiply the first and third by the same magnitude, and multiply the second and fourth both by another magnitude, then whatever order we get between first and second will be preserved between the third and fourth. This explanation, simple as it is, can be rather confusing. An example will clarify the matter. We will assign the following lengths to the four magnitudes: 3:6 = 7:14. From this we get the following inequalities: 3 A3:B6 = A7:B14 or 15:12 = 35:28. Now clearly 15 > 12 and 35 > 28. Hence, multiplying by 5 and 2 preserved the order of the two ratios. Eudoxus' definition says that for two ratios to be equal, all values of A and B will preserve the order between the corresponding magnitudes. This gave Greek geometry the definition of magnitudes of ratios it needed to carry out the various proofs relying on proportion. However, magnitudes are not numbers, and the requirement that all values of A and B satisfy the definition introduced, through the back door, the notion of infinity. While Eudoxus' work satisfied the needs of geometers, it was

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How do teacher salaries affect students Why does it matter than Essay

How do teacher salaries affect students Why does it matter than teachers earn tens of thousands more in some districts than others - Essay Example This translates to schools which have better academic preparation and schools that are inadequately prepared. The disparity is evident with the results high stake tests that low budgeted schools are destined to fail. This issue matter because students are being subject to the same rigorous aptitude examinations and the unfairness in children’s preparatory education shows up in the result of the tests. The high stake tests which Kozol identified as the culprit, really would make inner-city children fail due to their inadequate preparation which resulted from little budget allocation from the government. To keep up, there are schools that adopt drastic measures just to raise test scores whose method can be compared to military schools. This is not helpful because instead of keeping up, children drops out of school not to mention that it damages their psychological well being that some were even crying when they undergo the rigor of ill-budgeted school’s drastic measures. It defeats the purpose of education because students would opt to be out of school than to be subjected to such punitive measures of schools just to keep

Monday, November 18, 2019

PRICING STRATEGIES Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PRICING STRATEGIES - Case Study Example roximately $5, it means that the employer can save (8*5=40 each year, 40*5,000= $200,000 by all the 5,000 employees) $50,000 per year in case two of each prescription is inappropriate (200,000-50,000= 150,000). This strategy will help employers save money and also improve the outcomes of patients as the quality of prescriptions will get better. This sort of strategy helps to cut the costs by providing the patients with the medication they require and not the prescription drugs, which will help the organizations efficiently utilizing the prescription drugs. This strategy will be undertaken by the help of the pharmacy claims that will pinpoint the high costs specified by the sponsors, diseases such as high cholesterol, cardiac diseases and asthma must be treated and medicated with the specific medication that will help the employers to slash the cost. These pharmacy claims will then be used for the identification of different patients and the medication they require. This strategy will also help in providing awareness and education to medical doctors in helping them improve the behavior related to their prescriptions that will result in better health care outcomes, as it will help the patients live an improved life as their needless health care costs are cut down, and better treatments are provided to them in accordance with their diagnosis. The use of the first line agents is essential in this program so that the awareness is spread about the use of â€Å"first line drug therapy† and offering samples to the prescription providers. The easy accessibility should be made possible by placing the first line agents at the pharmacies, so that the users should come to know about these agents and they can utilize these instead of branded medicines that are too expensive. It will help cut the cost of pharmacy but also it provides with the potential improvements in quality of care. This program has been followed by several organizations, and it made them cut their costs by

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Causes And Effects Of Deforestation Sociology Essay

The Causes And Effects Of Deforestation Sociology Essay Laurance stated that Tropical forests do far more than sustain biodiversity; they are homes to indigenous peoples, pharmacopeias of natural products, and provide vital ecosystem services, such as flood amelioration and soil conservation (p. 109). This shows that forest is very important to us but deforestation has caused all the forest to be cleared. What is deforestation? Deforestation is an act of cutting down all the trees in that particular area. Deforestation happens for some reasons, some were done legally while some were done illegally. Tropical forest takes up about six percent of the whole earth but it causes a lot of problems when all the trees were cut down. Till today, peoples are still debating on whether deforestation is an appropriate act or not. What are the causes and effects of deforestation? What is happening to the tropical rainforest now? We have always read the news of Indonesia burning the forests almost every year. Why are they doing it? It has been reported they burn the forests so that they will have a better land to plant the palm oil. It acts as a fertilizer to the land because their plants died easily. Even thought they did it to fertilize the land but it brings harm to the people around the country. Air pollution happens especially in Malaysia where there are hazes everywhere. Haze is when the air is misty and blurry. It brings harm to the people that inhale it. Therefore, every year the rates of people receiving treatment during the period of time increases. This shows that deforestation has caused a lot of effects to the mankind and its been showed on advertisement and newspaper but it seems that people are still not aware of it. This research paper is going to talk about the causes and effects of deforestation around the world. Many people were more aware of the effects than the causes of deforestation. This research paper is going to talk about the causes and effects of deforestation. Besides the causes and effects, this paper is going to talk about what can be done to save the forest too. Causes of deforestation One of the most common causes of deforestation is clearing up the forest to pay back the foreign debt of that particular country (Culas, 2006). Some country has owed a large sum of foreign debt. They dont the capability to pay back the debt, thus they cleared up the forests for crop production. By planting crops that could be export to another country, they could earn a lot and repay back the debt. This is why most of the country chooses to clear the forest and do agriculture. They not only can repay back the debt but also earn a large sum of money out of it. If the country did not have that large sum of debt, the forest wouldnt have to be cleared up and the rates of deforestation will be decreasing. Therefore, those countries need to find another alternative ways that could earn money instead of clearing up the forests. As I mentioned earlier, tropical forests only takes up about 6 percent of the whole earth. If the countries continue to clear up the forests, there will be no more f orests in the surface of the earth. Another causes of deforestation are the demand of land. When the population of the certain countries increases, the demand of houses increases too. This leads to clearing up the forests to build houses so that they can sustain the population in that country. We dont have to look at other country. We just need to take a look at our own country, Malaysia. Forests in Setapak area were cleared up to build condominiums. Malaysia has the population over millions and the demand for houses were very high. They choose to clear up the forests so that there were more land to build apartment, condominium, terrace house and more. This shows that deforestation is the first option when it comes to fulfilling the demand of land. Besides fulfilling the demand of houses, the demand of oil has also leads to deforestation. Oil has been widely used everywhere in the world now. When the demand of oil is increasing, lands were in need for oil plantation. When there is no more empty land for oil plantation, deforestation has become the option again to have lands. Trees were chopped down and being used to plants oil palm so the demand could be met. Besides meeting the demand of land, the weakness shown in the governments rules is also one of the causes (Laurance, 1999). We learned from young that there are rules when it comes to cutting down the trees. Many people keep violating the rules and continue to do illegal logging. Why? This is because the weak governments policies. Rules were set but there were no enforcement. They show weakness when it comes to violating the rules. For example, they just let them go when they caught them doing illegal logging instead of arresting them or fine them. This does not help but makes the matter worse. People will think that it is fine to do illegal logging since the police did not arrest them at the first place. Such government will only promote the act instead of stopping them. Soon, all the trees in the country will disappear. The effects of deforestation What are the effects of deforestation? One of the effects of deforestation is doing harm to the indigenous people. When desertification happens, it deadly affects the indigenous people, as it contributes to death, illness, poorness, and culture shock (Mitten, 1997). This is because indigenous people live in the forest and their source of foods come from the forest. Logging activities have become one way to earn money. Therefore, all the companies have build their factory near the rivers. When they cut down the trees and bring it back the process, all the wastewater will flow into the river. Indigenous people drink water from the river. As a result, they will get sick because of the dirty water caused by the factories. It can even promote to death if it get serious. Besides that, the culture will soon vanished when the indigenous people becomes lesser and lesser. Cultural shock will happen and the history of the culture will soon be forgotten. Besides harming the indigenous people, deforestation harms the wildlife too (Bonaudo, Pendu, Faure, Quanz, 2005). This is because around 80 to 90 percent of animal species live in the tropical rainforest. Imagine if all the trees were cut down, what will happen to this animal? Of course, the animals will lose their natural habitat and they will extinct. Animals like panda refuse to breed when they are not in their own natural habitat. Therefore, the population if panda keeps increasing as time goes by because their natural habitat has been destroyed. When deforestation happens, the animals lost their natural habitat and also their protective shield. This results in difficulty to adapt to the new environment and refuse to breed. When this happen, more and more animals will extinct. Our future relationship will have to look at pictures to know the animal instead of looking at the animals in real life. How bad is it that for the future generation, animals are just picture for them? Def orestation will soon cause them to lost touch with the animals that exist now and they will only know them by story told by the parents or just going to a museum. Another effects of deforestation are climate change. Bala, Caldeira, Wickett, Phillips, Lobell, Delire, Mirin, (2006) stated that deforestation affects the global climate both by releasing the carbon stored in the living plants and soils, and by altering the physical properties of the planetary surface (p. 6550). This happens because trees are storage for the carbon dioxide released by the human through respiration. Trees stored carbon dioxide to make their own food through the photosynthesis process. When the trees were all cut down, there are no more trees to absorb carbon dioxide that are released by humans. Carbon dioxide will then release directly to the atmosphere and temperature will increase. When carbon dioxide in the air increases severely, the temperature will increase severely too. This will results in the phenomena named global warming. When global warming happens, ice in the North Pole and South Pole will melt. This results in the increasing of the sea level. The water will flood country that has lower sea level and they will disappear from the surface of the earth. Soon, all the land will be flooded and the country will disappear one by one. What can be done? Deforestation has caused a lot of harm to the mankind. To stop all this harm, we need to take some action to stop it. Instead of cutting down the trees to have new land, we can do land reclamation. Land reclamation is creating new lands from oceans or riverbeds. Besides that, government should enforce the rules instead of handling the matters with leniency. The people who violate the rules should be fined. This acts as a warning to the others so that they will stop they illegal logging and this could help in saving the trees around us. Every country should preserve their forests and also plant more trees so that the biodiversity could be maintained. Discussion All in all, deforestation has caused a lot of devastating effects not only to the people but also the animals. Before understanding the effects, we need to find the roots of why deforestation happens first. As I stated earlier, the causes of deforestation are large sum of foreign debt, increasing demand of land, and the weakness shown in the governments policies. Deforestation happens because the trees were cut down for crop production. With the production, they could repay back the debt. Besides that, the demand of land keep on increasing as times goes by. This is because the increase in popularity has increased the demand of land to build houses. Moreover, the weakness in the policies has promotes deforestation instead of curbing them. This happens because the government did not enforce the rules that were set and they take care of the matter leniently. Deforestation has done a lot of harm to people and also to wildlife. The most common effect is causing harm to indigenous people. Indigenous people live in the forest and everything they do inside the forest is part of their culture. When the trees were all chopped down, there are no more home for the indigenous people and soon their culture will extinct. The most precious things for a country are their original culture. If the indigenous people have extinct, they will be no more culture for that particular country. Another effect of deforestation is besides harming the indigenous people, deforestation harms wildlife too. Most of the animal species live in the tropical forest. Not only it acts as the natural habitat to the animals, forests also act as a protective shield for animals. When deforestation happens, they lost the natural habitat and protective shield. Soon, they will push to the edge of extinction. When this happen, it will cause the loss in biodiversity and our future ge neration will have to know the animals through picture. Another effect of deforestation is climate change. Trees act as storage for carbon dioxide that was released by the human through the process of respiration. Trees absorb carbon dioxide for their photosynthesis process. If the trees were cut down, all the carbon dioxide will be release straight to the atmosphere and this will cause the temperature to increase. When the temperature increase, global warming will happen and the ice in North Pole and South Pole will melt. This results in increase of sea level. Therefore, lands that have lower sea level will soon hit by flood and disappear from the surface of the earth. After understanding the causes and effects, what can be done to curb deforestation? Every government should find another alternative way to boost their economy and repay back the foreign debt. Instead of cutting down the trees for crop production, they can try boosting the economy by the tourism section. This way they can save the forest and earn money at the same thing. Besides cutting down trees for more land, land reclamation can become one of the ways to have more land. Filling the ocean and riverbed to create new lands instead of clearing the forest. This can fulfill the demand of land and preserve the forest at the same time. The government should enforce the rules that were set for logging activities. People who violate the rules by carrying out the illegal logging act will be fined. This acts as a warning to the others so that they do not dare to do it again. Besides having fined, government could come out with other ways of punishing the people that violates the rules. All i n all, they must enforce the laws and regulations on environmental issues. Conclusion I choose to do this research on deforestation is because I have read a lot of news on how deforestation do us harm and yet no one has done anything to stop it. I hope that this research paper could help the people to do understand more of the causes and effects of deforestation. Besides that, I also hope this research will help to curb deforestation and save the trees from being cut. By doing this, the biodiversity of the earth could be maintained and there are no more harm done to humans. If deforestation continues to happen, there will be no more trees in the future. This will results in high temperature, lost of biodiversity and more. Therefore I hope everybody will do his or her part in preserving and protecting the forest so that there is a better future for our next generation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

We Must Ban Assault Weapons Essay -- argumentative, persuasive, gun con

The controversy over assault rifles is one of the most problematic issues related to the contributions of gangs, drug traffickers, and most criminal activity. More often than not, criminals have access to the weapons of their choice more easily than it should be. Getting them from licensed dealers, black markets, and family members’ homes, the availability of these militia weapons has become to effortless to obtain. The rise of criminal activity is part of the reason more than one-third of high school students have easy access to a weapon or gun. â€Å"Four out of five guns brought to school are actually brought from their own homes† (Page par 2). This is one of the biggest problems when faced with where criminals get their guns. They either steal them from relative’s homes, ask to borrow them, or steal them from licensed sellers. There are a lot of ways people can get guns. People who should not be able to purchase a firearm are allowed t o, and illegal transactions are also a huge issue with criminals getting their guns. For all these reasons that is why Government should require restricted gun ownership to protect society, prevent crime, and allow for recreational use. Assault weapons have been labeled as the number one source for mass killings in America. The idea that a weapon can fire a large amount of bullets at a remarkable speed can be used for recreational use was thought of otherwise. This type of weaponry was made for one reason and that is to eliminate as many people as possible and accomplish it in a reasonably fast time. The problem is everywhere and to help control the issue the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is the nation’s largest organization dedicated to enacting and enforcing gun... ...laws protect the society. They need to understand that bans and laws work and that they need to be enforced more strictly so the people of the nation can feel safe and protected. The nation has brought many new ideas to try to solve the issue on illegal gun selling and gun traffickers. They have provided with legislation laws on gun control, the declining of allowing fully-automatic weapons to be legal in this country to keep all citizens safe. All of the proposals that legislation has introduced do a great job in monitoring the selling and purchasing of weapons that should not be bought and sold. If the country wants us to be safe and protected by our government, they need to know that bans and laws on assault weapon works and saves lives of the American people and that there needs to be cooperation with them so the bans and laws can stay strict and strong.